ACAP has a long history of disrupting employee benefits and wellness programs — in a good way!
Our founders wanted to form an organization that was an unbiased third-party for employers and brokers to use in improving their wellbeing programs. Starting as an insurance consultant, we saw the future of wellbeing was beyond eating fruits and vegetables and counting steps, and instead needed to focus on changes driven by data and reducing costs.
So, we got to work! We helped push for data and studies to find the true impact that was driving health plan costs and found a key cluster of individual and population risks with actions employers can take.
Pioneering Wellbeing and Proactive Healthcare
Traditional wellbeing programs that focus on education and motivation weren’t bringing in measurable change we wanted to see. Simply put — these limited resources weren’t working. However, behavioral skills and habit-forming changes saved our clients time, headaches, and money.
We believe in bringing digital, technical, and clinical solutions to improve individuals’ physical and mental health, thereby improving everyone’s outcomes.
We pride ourselves in being outside-of-the-box, innovative thinkers who bring solutions to employee benefits plans that focus on clinical benefits and the simplification of health. We want every person to bring their best self to work and be their best self at home.

Does that sound good to you? Let’s chat about how we can help your employee benefit offerings and wellbeing program today! Or, take a look at our solutions!